Industry News

I have not received my order. What can I do?

Views : 39
Update time : 2018-08-01 23:44:27
If you haven’t received your order, please try the below methods to solve the problem:

Method 1. You can track your order with the tracking number given by the seller: 
Go to My Orders > Locate the order > and Click Track Order.

If you find the tracking number is invalid, it may be because the shipping company needs 3 to 7 days to update the shipping status. You can also contact the seller for more shipping information. You may leave a message on the order details page or click Contact Seller on order list page.  

Method 2. Contact the seller for more information. If that doesn’t work, you can always apply for a refund by opening a dispute. Make sure you do this before your Buyer Protection has ended. Click here to open a dispute. 

Method 3: If you didn’t receive your order and you Buyer Protection is about to end, please click the Chat Now button (at the bottom of this page) to chat with our Customer Service Team.

Please make sure you open a dispute before your Buyer Protection has ended. 

If the seller agrees to your refund request, or doesn’t respond within 5 days, the refund will be processed. You can click Dispute in Progress or Dispute Finished on your order list to check the dispute status.

Rights Protected:
1. 14 days to reconsider your purchasing decision and withdraw  
2.  2 years Standard manufacturer warranty for your cover, if any item that is different from how it is described or that has manufacturing defeats. If you would like to activate this warranty, please contact your seller.
3.  Accurate information of your transaction and clear terms that bind your deal.
4.  Seeking help from the relevant consumer support from your country of residence
5.  Any relevant buyer protection that may be implemented by Aliexpress from time to time
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