
The product I received does not match the description. What can I do?

If you are not satisfied with the product you received, contact your seller to agree on a solution.
To contact the seller, click Contact Seller to send them a message. 

If that doesn’t help, you can apply for a refund by opening a dispute. Please make sure you do this before your Buyer Protection has ended. This is how you open a dispute:

Step 1: Sign into My Orders and locate your order
Step 2: Click Open Dispute
Step 3: Fill in your refund request and click Submit

Please make sure you open a dispute before your Buyer Protection has ended. 

If the seller agrees to your refund request, or doesn’t respond within 5 days, the refund will be processed. You can click Dispute in Progress or Dispute Finished
 on your order list to check the dispute status.


To update your dispute, please follow the below steps:
Step 1: Sign into My Orders and find your order
Step 2: Click Dispute in Progress
Step 3: Check whether AliExpress or the seller has already proposed a solution
  • You can choose to accept or reject a proposal
  • To update your proposal, please click Edit
  • To offer more evidence to support your claim, please click Upload Evidence. You can upload files in .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp or .png (2MB max).
Please note:
In some cases, AliExpress steps in to help. To find out more about this process and what documents to upload, please click AliExpress Judgment Details.