Warehousing& Distibution

Item No.: XCCZ
RICH set up 3 different warehouses In order to meet different customer needs in all directions, - See more at: http://www.richgz.com/products.php?CateId=13#sthash.wfAUP85y.dpuf

at the same time, we provide the following value-added services in the warehouse:

  1. provide the inventory of goods report and cargo damage report; taking the photo during loading process;

  2. early warning for out-date storage;

  3. domestic delivery;

  4. paste marks, label, single weighting and photo-taking;

  5. test and quality inspection

  6. split packages and packing

  7. assembly, customization and modification services

  8. reinforce the packing,

- See more at: http://www.richgz.com/products.php?CateId=13#sthash.wfAUP85y.dpuf


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