Industry News

The load-bearing advantages that hold up to the test!

Views : 245
Update time : 2018-08-05 00:45:05
Iris Service Availability;
No Uptime Guarantee or Warranty; Temporary Suspensions
. While we strive to maintain Iris in ways to avoid any interruptions, suspensions, or “down time,” we do not offer any uptime guarantee or a warranty for Iris. Iris Service may be temporarily suspended without notice for security reasons, system failure, maintenance and repair, Upgrades, or circumstances beyond our reasonable control. If you set up your preferences to send your notifications to a working device, if there is a loss of power we will send a notification that your broadband has failed, but that notification will not provide the specific reason or reasons for the failure.  You agree that you will not be entitled to any credit, refund, or rebate for suspensions, modifications, limitations, or loss of service. We will not be responsible for, nor provide a credit or refund for, loss or interruption in Iris Service or the benefits of the Iris Service to you caused by third parties, including your internet broadband service provider, cell phone service provider, or utility providers, or any equipment a third party provides to you or you use to access the Iris user interfaces.

Importance of Notifications.
Your desired uses of Iris may require you to receive notifications from us and your Iris System. Depending on choices you make and options we make available to you, these notifications may include important email, push notifications, phone calls, videos, text messages, in app notifications, or other forms of communication we may use or develop, relating to alerts, system status and important account updates (not all communication types may be available to you).

Notification Reliability and Compatibility;
. Your ability to receive, and your receipt of, notifications depends on your various devices, service providers, and options we make available to you. Also, within Iris, your devices, or the devices you use to interface with Iris (such as your mobile phone using an Iris mobile application), you may have the ability to select whether, when, or how you receive such notifications. Given these factors, we cannot and do not provide any guarantees for your ability to receive notifications we send to you or your contacts. You must test your Iris System to ensure compatibility and reliability of notifications and your ability to receive them. You are responsible for (i) reviewing your plan with your carrier for any charges related to notifications, such as any emails consuming data usage, and  checking with your operator and test your system when travelling, particularly outside the United States, including for any additional charges that may apply or issues with use of Iris.  We may use push notifications to your push-notification enabled device as the primary method of communication. As such, you are responsible for ensuring that the device you use to receive Iris notifications is a device capable of receiving push notifications and make sure the device’s settings are set to allow push notifications.
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