Domestic Returns is an extra return policy that sellers may choose to offer on AliExpress. Products which fall under this return policy can be returned to a warehouse in your own country as long as the items are unused and still in the original packaging.
The Buyer Protection period may be overPlease note that you can open a dispute on the 11th day after seller has sent out your order and within 15 days of the order’s completion.
If the seller agrees with your request or if he/she doesn't reply within 5 days, you will automatically get your refund. This can take between 3 to 15 working days.
If the seller doesn't agree with your refund request, you can propose a new solution or wait for us to automatically escalate your dispute. In this case we will help you look into the matter and try to find a suitable solution.
If you have purchased or been provided with the One-year commercial warranty service, you may apply for the commercial warranty service within one year after the waiting period, which is 15 days after your order with the One-year warranty service is compl
AliExpress offers a great platform for affiliate marketing, also known as the Portals Affiliate Program. Through our program, which is completely free, you can get banners and links to promote products and sellers on AliExpress. Once a link or banner is p
If you receive the reminder, "To protect the security of your account, please use another device to sign in", you may not be able to access your account due to a potential security risk. Please check whether any unusual activity has occurred on your accou
Are you meeting the spending requirements?
For example, if a coupon is only valid for orders over US $100, but the total order value is only $80, you can’t use the coupon.
Check your email inbox. You may have missed important information regarding your account.
If you mistakenly registered under a seller account, register again under a buyer account. You are unable to change the account from seller to buyer account.