Company News

Privacy and Security.

Views : 70
Update time : 2018-08-04 23:47:50

Lowe’s respects your privacy. This Privacy Statement describes how Lowe’s collects, uses, shares, and protects information when you visit and/or use Iris products, services, or applications. It also contains other important privacy disclosures, such as how we may update this Statement and how you can contact us.

Information We Collect

We may collect information that identifies you or that is associated with you in a number of ways, including information you provide to us, information we automatically collect, and information we obtain from third parties.

Information You Provide

When you visit the Iris website or use Iris products, services, or applications, you may choose to provide us with information. In some cases, such information is required for proper operation. Examples include:

  • Contact and identification information, such as your name, address, telephone number, and email address, as well as information you provide associated with members you add to your Iris service (such as to receive alerts);

  • Payment information, such as your payment card number and expiration date;

  • Setup information when you install or attach a product to the Iris service;

  • Demographic information, such as your age, gender, income range, and occupation;

  • Photos, Nicknames, or other information you use to personalize your experience;

  • Login and access credentials, such as your Iris and Wi-Fi network usernames and passwords;

  • Information you include in your communications with us or in connection with a satisfaction survey; and

  • Location information, when you provide it or choose to allow the use of your device’s location in connection with our mobile applications.

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