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The customs in South American countries

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Update time : 2015-04-20 17:56:12

Mexico's import tariffs

Mexico is a member of the world trade organization, the import tariff rate is mainly use taxagreement on Tariffs and trade customs valuation method, the imported goods levied ad valoremtariff rate of 5, 0, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%. Mexico tariff reduction products are often in the list will be adjusted, so our exports to Mexico foreign trade enterprises should keep in touch with theimporter or the customs, in order to understand the change of preferential products.

Import regulation and storage

1 import control: at present, the Mexico imports of goods import licensing restrictions are mainlyheavy for agricultural products, automobile, chemical products, medicines, some luxury goods, agricultural machinery and construction. Import license is issued by the Mexico trade and industry development of the Ministry of foreign trade and management division. The import licenseapplication form must be accompanied by foreign exporters quote invoice. Import license is valid for9 months, and may be extended for 3 months.

2 storage: imports of goods shipped to Mexico port warehouse, from 10 days all the storage costs;from eleventh days to twenty-fifth days, every day to pay about 45 cents per ton of cargo storage;from twenty-fifth days to fifty-fifth days, every day to pay about 77 cents per ton of the warehousing fee. If longer, the cost will increase. Imports to Mexico City railway warehouse, within 3 days from thestorage charges, from fourth days to eighth days, every day to pay $30 per container storage charges, from the beginning of the ninth day, each container should pay $35 every day the warehousing fee.

Free Trade Area

At present, Mexico has the 5 largest free trade zone, they include: California free zone. A major port and city of the region including Mexicali, Ensenada, are: Tijuana, La Paz, Santa rosarian. According to the provisions of the Customs Law of the "Mexico", a free trade area to enjoy the preferentialconditions are: imported products and products of Mexico similar can be exempt from import duty,and only need to pay 6% of the value-added tax; processing enterprises set up in the region, can be used for the production of export goods duty-free import of raw materials, components,packaging materials machinery and instruments, tools, molds and durable.

Brazil's import tariffs

Brazil in 1998 the average tariff rate of 17% on the entry, the value of the product is determinedmainly based on the following five: the first is based on the transaction price, that is actually paid orwill pay the price plus other costs. If this method is rejected by the customs, you can use the other 4of the transaction price of the same product, similar products; price; retail price minus the tariff andcommission; or production costs, profits and other costs calculated. In Brazil, mainly in the CIF tariffprice, payment of money in Brazil. When questioned Brazil customs officials to declare the exportvalue of goods, the exporter has 8 days to decide the new offer. The importer can offer the newexporters to respond within 30 days.

Import documents

A commercial invoice: 5 copies of English or fill with Portuguese commercial invoice. The invoice must be made by the manufacturer, retailers and brokers with English or fill out a detailed dataabout the shipment, and with the British, Portuguese words of two kinds of product specifications.The invoice shall also declare the origin and the exact price. The exporter may ask if you need toexport the business sector on the price of money and proof of notarization materials to the importer.Brazil customs for not reporting the commercial invoice, the penalty amount will be equivalent to thecustoms; when the commercial invoice and declaration does not comply, the penalty will be tariff -5% l%.

Bill of lading: there are 5 non-negotiable copy of the bill of lading. A report on a commercial invoice.All of the bills of lading or freight situation must be marked freight with numbers and text.

Certificate of origin: generally do not need, because the commercial invoice is indicating origin. If necessary, it shall have two copies of the certificate of origin to prove formally, by the business sector and a notarized.

Health license: some goods such as animals, animal products, seeds and plants need a health certificate. The health certificate must be notarized, and then sent to the embassy or consulate inBrazil. Exporters can ask on issues related to importers.

Customs and immigration

Brazil customs office subordinate by the Ministry of finance is responsible for federal taxadministration, including the formulation of policies and implementation of customs, tariffs andcustoms supervision system and so on. According to the State Administration of Taxation of thecustoms regulations, all customs clearance procedures, required by the Brazil foreign trade network system (S1SCOMEX) for.

Free Trade Area

Brazil's largest port Santos, Rio De Janeiro, Paranagua, Recife and Vitoria. Brazil has set upvarious forms of free zone in the port, such as a free port and free trade zone, bonded and export area, one of the most famous is the Manaus free trade zone. Where the goods enter thezones, the commercial invoice, bill of lading must be marked "Manaus free trade zone" (Free Loneof Manaus) ", but does not allow the region to other regions of Brazil transport of imported goods.There are two in the border area, the first is from abroad to enter the region, another is from theentry into the country on the one hand to allow foreign goods from abroad into the zone, not subject to Customs control; on the other hand, need to go through import formalities from DC to enter the domestic market of goods, goods through customs, and the payment of import tariff.

Panama import customs formalities

The goods must be imported to Panama through the Panama customs by a customs broker for customs clearance, customs brokers must be in the Panama sea