Red wine

Views : 31
Update time : 2015-08-14 09:33:36

Does not necessarily mean red wine, red wine is a general term for wine. There are many classification of red wine. In the finished color, can be divided into red wine, white wine and pink wine three categories. One red and can be subdivided into dry red wine, half dry red wine, half sweet red wine and sweet red wine, white wine is subdivided into dry white wine, dry white wine, half sweet white wine and sweet white wine.

The composition of red wine is quite simple, it is the natural fermentation brewing wine, contains most of the grape juice, accounted for more than 80%, the second is through the inside of the grape sugar natural fermentation of alcohol, generally in the 10% to 30%, the rest of the material more than 1000 species, there are more than 300 of the more important, red wine other important components are tartaric acid, pectin, minerals and tannic acid, etc. Although these material proportion is not high, is the decisive factor of liquor. High quality taste beautiful wine, because they can present a kind of organizational structure balance, make the person has endless enjoyment in taste

Red wine or red wine is red wine, grapes, between about 1000 to 1000 b.c. In the south of France, and then it begins to reproduce in most parts of the Mediterranean basin. At the dawn of wine, the drink has been visual cognition is a kind of can only enjoy the noble aristocratic drinks, is also a kind of used to worship the sacrifices of god bacchus.

Red wine in the heart of christians around the world also represents the blood of Jesus Christ, that promoted the wine's populist, make ordinary people also have the right to drink sweet wine.

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