Industry News

How do I get a refund by credit card or debit card?

Views : 206
Update time : 2018-08-01 23:52:57
You will receive your refund on the same card that you used to pay for your order. It usually takes around 3-20 business days for the money to arrive.

For more information about the refund status, please check the order details page on our website.

It normally takes 3-20 business days for refunds to be processed. 
If the refund status is marked as “Complete”, but you can’t find the payment in your bank account, please contact our Customer Service Team.

You will receive your refund on the same card that you used to pay for your order. To secure the safety of your account, we can't refund to other cards.

If your original card is not valid or if it has expired, please contact your card issuer for more information. Normally they receive the money on your behalf and transfer it to your bank account.

Refunds can only be sent back to the account with which you used to make the payment. If your bank has gone bankrupt, please contact your card issuer directly for more information.

If you paid with a credit card, the money will be refunded to your card. It usually takes around 3-15 business days for the money to arrive.

If the refund process is marked "complete" but it looks like you did not get your money back yet, please check your bank account first. Some refunds are booked on the date of the purchase. 

For example (see pic below) a customer paid for his order on January 15. He applied for a refund 2 months later. However, the bank showed the refund on the same date as his purchase.

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