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Analysis of health function of anthocyanins

Views : 43
Update time : 2018-08-15 12:49:01
Anthocyanin brings many benefits to the human body. In essence, anthocyanin is a powerful antioxidant that protects the human body from a damaging substance called free radicals. Anthocyanin can also enhance vascular elasticity, improve circulatory system and enhance skin smoothness, inhibit inflammation and allergies, improve the flexibility of the joints. Also can be used in cosmetics, such as red anthocyanin to do lipstick. These products with pigments (except grape skin pigment) are common characteristics of light, heat, oxygen stability, stability of microorganisms. Generally soluble in water and ethanol, not soluble in vegetable oil.

1 Anti-oxidation:
Anthocyanin is a hybroxyl donor, but also a free radical scavenger, which binds to the protein to prevent peroxide. Also and metal C chelate, prevent v peroxide, regeneration V, thereby regenerating V, can also quench singlet oxygen. Anthocyanin can chelate with metal ions or form a metal CU-VC complex of anthocyanin. Oxygen Free Radical Adsorption system (ORAC) was used to indicate the antioxidant capacity of fruits. The correlation coefficient was =0 with anthocyanin linear correlation. 77 linear correlation with total phenol content, correlation coefficient rn=0. 92. Another study indicated that antioxidant capacity was linearly correlated with anthocyanin content, and the correlation coefficient was r¨=0. 90 linear correlation with total phenol content, correlation coefficient =0. The antioxidant contribution rate of 83,VC was only 0. 4% ~9.4%, it is indicated that anthocyanin is an important class of flavonoids. Wang and other oxygen free radical adsorption systems (ORAC) have evaluated the ability of 14 anthocyanins, such as geranium pigments, to remove the oxygen free radicals (ROO), and the results show that all anthocyanins have clear scavenging effects (the correlation coefficient r is greater than 0). 98). Anthocyanin in red wine eliminates superoxide free radicals (02_ ') more than tannin, and a certain degree of aggregation is better than the removal of a single anthocyanins molecule. At present, there is much evidence that free radicals can cause oxidative damage to fats, proteins and nucleic acids, which is an important cause of diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and neurological diseases. Therefore, the antioxidant activity of anthocyanins may play a very important role in the prevention of these diseases.

2. Anti-mutation
The Yomshimoto of 4 kinds of root water extracts of sweet potato were evaluated by using TA98 as the material of mouse injury bacilli. It was found that anthocyanins in purple-meat sweet potato (ayart1urasaki) could effectively inhibit heterocyclic amine and 3. Amino 1,4. Two methyl. 5 hybrogen. Pyrrole. (4,3-b) indole, 3. Amino 1. Methyl 5 hybrogen. Pyrrole. (4,3-b) indole and 2. Amino 3. Methyl 4,5. f) The mutation effect caused by quinoline. The experiment emphasizes that the acyl anthocyanins have strong anti mutation effect.

3. Prevent cardio-cerebrovascular diseases and protect the liver
Anthocyanin extracted from red wine can effectively remove superoxide free radicals and hybroxyl radicals (OH). In vitro, anthocyanins inhibited the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein and the aggregation of platelet, and these two substances were the main factors causing atherosclerosis. Wang and other use of white grass withered (cl2hl4br2n2, a herbicide) caused by liver damage in rats, 0. 1% or 0. 2% anthocyanins can significantly reduce the damage to rat hepatocytes, and it is proved that anthocyanins have a protective effect on the liver.

4. Other
Wang cited a number of reports on the efficacy of anthocyanins, such as anthocyanin can be used to treat diabetic retinopathy, breast cysts, the treatment of blood capillaries caused by the microcirculation of disease, to maintain the normal permeability of the vessel. can also be used to prevent cholesterol-induced atherosclerosis in rabbits, as tumor inhibitors, vascular protective agents, radiation protective agents and anti-inflammatory agents. It is also suggested that the anthocyanins and degradation products of lutein soft capsules have some effect in alleviating pain and preventing cancer. Maintain visual health, improve microvascular circulation, improve microvascular and venous flow, protect microvascular function, prevent myopia from further deepening, prevent severe myopia and retinal detachment lesions.
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