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Men walk more catwalk to strengthen kidneys, beware of bad habits to destroy kidneys

Views : 53
Update time : 2018-08-15 13:59:20
Strengthening yang and tonifying kidney is a permanent topic for men, but how can it be done to have effect? Many men themselves feel helpless, eating and conditioning feel too troublesome, exercise and lack of perseverance. they have lost their kidneys for a long time and seem to have to rely on drugs to treat them. However, " it is the drug that is divided into three parts". no one can avoid the side effects of the drug. It is said that men can strengthen their kidneys by taking more catwalks. is there any basis for this statement?

In order to strengthen the kidney, men pay close attention to all kinds of fitness recipes. This is not the case. it was originally the " catwalk" of fashion model patents and was also considered as the " bodybuilding step" with enhanced sexual function. The " catwalk" of the model on the t - shaped platform is characterized in that the soles of the feet walk along a line in a " 1" shape. When you walk " catwalk", you can not only strengthen your body and relieve your psychological pressure, but also squeeze and massage your perineum to a certain extent due to the formation of a certain amount of hip twisting in your posture. There is a meeting yin point in the perineum of the human body. according to traditional Chinese medicine, the meeting yin point belongs to ren meridian and is the intersection point of ren and du meridians. Pressing this acupoint is not only beneficial to the health care of the urinary system, but also beneficial to the elimination of diseases and the strengthening of the whole body.

Men take a certain amount of time to walk " catwalk" everyday, which can tonify the kidney and replenish essence and enhance sexual function. Moreover, hip twisting can not only maintain the tension of the pudendal muscles, but also improve the blood circulation of the pelvic cavity. for men, it can prevent and relieve the symptoms of prostatitis, while women can relieve the congestion of the pelvic cavity, and relieve the pain and falling of the abdomen. In addition, doing abdominal retraction and anus lifting every day is also one of the good ways to improve sexual function. it is very effective for the exercise of pubis and coccygeal muscles and can also reduce the congestion in the pelvic cavity.
Be careful that these bad habits spoil your kidneys. drink more than plain boiled water. caffeine in drinks often leads to an increase in blood pressure, which can hurt your kidneys if your blood pressure is too high. So try to avoid drinking too much.

Many women dislike running toilets and do not like drinking water. they need to know that the kidney is responsible for the waste generated by metabolic physiological activities and is side by side in the urine. When the kidney carries out these activities, it needs enough water to assist. Therefore, female friends must develop the good habit of drinking more water. If you eat too much salt, the burden on the kidney will increase, resulting in a decline in kidney function. therefore, try to eat as little salt as possible. If you already suffer from kidney diseases and often drink a lot of beer, uric acid deposition will lead to renal tubular obstruction and renal failure.

Eating too much meat can cause kidney damage. The intake of meat for each meal should becontrolled to be about 0.5 cm thick on the palm of your hand. Guide: don't think that only men have kidney deficiency and need to tonify the kidney. Women's kidney deficiency is also harmful, for example, accelerating aging, sagging breasts, hair loss, and frigidity. if it is pregnant, kidney deficiency will affect the next generation!

Men drink relatively little in winter, and drink more in summer. some men hardly choose warm boiled water, but directly use drinks instead of their own drinking water needs. This habit seems unimportant, but in fact it is very harmful to health. Men must be careful not to eat at ordinary times. besides not being able to drink a lot of drinks, they must also stick to a low-salt and low-fat diet.
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