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Did you show up the four dangerous signs of men's menopause

Views : 35
Update time : 2018-08-15 13:52:14
In the past, most of us only knew that women had menopause, but we neglected men's menopausal needs. when a man is in menopause, four kinds of symptoms often appear in his body. The first is insomnia, which easily leads to fatigue during the day. Secondly, men's temper will also change. they become more angry and even somewhat unreasonable. Followed by men sweating too much, which also means cardiovascular aging.

What are the manifestations of men's menopause
1. lack of energy and insomnia: menopausal men will experience physical decline, lack of energy, fatigue, fatigue, insomnia and even sleep disorders. There are also other people who can obviously feel the symptoms of space skill activity and intelligence decline, muscle and muscle strength decrease, waist soreness and leg weakness, etc.

2. temper tantrums and depression: men and women in menopause, like women, have a series of changes in their psychological state. they love losing temper, feeling irritable, memory loss, thinking ability and attention loss. they are also prone to depression, depression and loss of enthusiasm for life.

3. palpitations and excessive sweating often occur: due to the aging of the cardiovascular system, vascular problems such as arteriosclerosis will occur due to the hardening and decrease of elasticity of the blood vessels. People are apt to have symptoms of facial flushing, palpitation and excessive sweating.

4. sexual function decline, indigestion, abdominal distension: when the male hormone secretion level in menopause decreases, sexual desire decline, erectile hardness decline, sexual life quality decline, etc. will occur. Menopausal men have reduced appetite and poor gastrointestinal digestion. Symptoms such as abdominal distension, constipation, bitter taste and pantothenic acid will occur after eating.

Men must pay attention to their personal living habits in life, especially those who are in menopause. they must examine their own problems and, in view of the problems that have arisen, rationally regulate their body and mind. Of course, family members should also pay attention to men who care for menopause. they should not always complain and accuse them, give them more care and care, and properly guide them, so as to harvest a more happy family.

Men's menopause is very dangerous, prevention is the key

1. pay attention to a balanced diet, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, avoid overeating, give up smoking and prohibition, live in a regular and healthy lifestyle.
2. sticking to reasonable exercise habits can keep men in good shape and good physical strength after middle age. Therefore, men in this period should keep regular living habits, increase some outdoor activities and enhance exercise, which can help to enhance vitality and avoid physical decline.
3, regular physical examination. In addition to routine physical examinations, serum testosterone levels need to be measured. Once the indicators are lowered, it is considered that menopause may occur and a clear diagnosis is needed. hormone supplementation can be used when necessary.
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