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Development trend and types of anthocyanins

Views : 43
Update time : 2018-08-15 12:57:45
Modern people find that although the research on antibiotics and vitamins has been very thorough, it cannot solve modern diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer and sub-health conditions, and even more can not solve the problems of people's longevity and anti - aging. Scientific research: if the problem of free radical infringement is solved, then human cells can truly grow freely and the average life span of human beings will reach 125 years. Therefore, the life span of human beings depends directly on the ability of people to resist oxidation and free radicals, and the discovery of anthocyanins has found the simplest and most effective way to resist oxidation and aging for people all over the world. The discovery and application of anthocyanins have brought mankind from the era of antibiotics and vitamins in the 20th century to the era of anthocyanins in the 21st century!

With the development of science and technology, people pay more and more attention to the safety of food additives, and the use types and quantities of synthetic pigments have greatly decreased. therefore, the development and application of natural pigments have become the general trend of the development of food pigments in the world.

Anthocyanin is a kind of water-soluble pigment widely existing in plants and belongs to flavonoid compounds. There are six common species in plants, namely geranium pigment ( p g ), cornflower pigment ( cy ), delphinium pigment ( DP ), Paeonia lactiflora pigment ( pn ), morning glory pigment ( pt ) and mallow pigment ( mv ). Free anthocyanins are rarely found under natural conditions. anthocyanins are often formed through glycosidic bonds with one or more glucose, rhamnose, galactose, xylose, arabinose and the like. glycosidic groups and hydroxyl groups in anthocyanins can also form acylated anthocyanins through ester bonds with aromatic acids and fatty acids such as coumaric acid, ferulic acid, caffeic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid and the like of one or several molecules. It is known that there are more than 250 kinds of anthocyanins naturally occurring in plants of 27 families and 73 genera.

The developed anthocyanin grape skin pigment is the earliest and most abundant anthocyanin pigment developed. it is obtained by extracting grape residue, which is the peel of grapevine fruits or the waste of grape winery, with water or ethanol and then refining and vacuum concentrating. the main components are malva pigment - 3 - glucoside, syringin, delphinidin, methyl anthocyanin, delphinidin and the like, which are widely used in the production of beverages, cold drinks, cakes, jam and the like, and the dosage is 0.002 % - 0.3 %.

Roselle pigment ( roselle red ) is extracted and refined from the calyx of hibiscus Panicum miliaceum roselle of malvaceae. 100 g of dry calyx can produce 1.5 g of total anthocyanin. the main ingredients are delphinidin - 3 - elderberride, cyanidin - 3 - elderberride and a small amount of delphinidin - 3 - glucoside, cyanidin - 3 - glucoside. roselle red is edible red ( to purple ) pigment, suitable for foods with ph below 4 and no need of high temperature heating, such as syrup, cold spots, ice cakes, jelly, etc. the dosage is 0.

Sorghum red pigment is obtained from the exocarp of purple black or reddish brown sorghum seeds, and its main components are apigenin and quercitrin. Sorghum red is stable to light and heat, can be reddish brown under acidic and alkaline conditions, has strong dyeing power, and is edible reddish brown pigment. because of its stable nature, it is widely used.
In addition, the anthocyanin pigment peanut coat red pigment, sunflower red, blackcurrant red, natural amaranth red, purple corn pigment, mulberry red pigment, red rice red ( black rice red ), perilla pigment, red cabbage pigment, and blue spindle fruit red have been developed and applied internationally. Anthocyanin pigments are red in acidic environment, bright in color and stable to light, heat and oxygen ( except grape skin pigments ), and are one of the best natural pigments for daily use. However, except for red cabbage pigment, perilla pigment, blue spindle fruit red and purple corn pigment, other pigments have been widely used in China.

Anthocyanins, like other natural pigments, are non-toxic and have no side effects. they have high safety and natural color tone, are closer to the color of natural substances, and have health-care functions. However, compared with synthetic pigments, anthocyanins also have some defects. anthocyanins are very sensitive to ph, temperature, light and metal ions, and have poor stability. for example, the color tone will change obviously with the change of ph, showing red in acidic environment, purple in neutral and blue in alkaline environment.

Anthocyanin molecules have a highly molecular conjugated system with acidic and basic genes. they are easily dissolved in polar solvents such as water, methanol, ethanol, dilute alkali and dilute acid. methanol containing a small amount of hydrochloric acid or formic acid is usually used as solvent to extract the anthocyanins. the acids in the solvent can prevent the degradation of non-acylated anthocyanins. however, these acids will lead to the degradation of pigments during evaporation and concentration. in some plants, a small amount of acids will hydrolyze some or all of the acylated anthocyanins. comparative experiments on various methods for extracting anthocyanins from grapes show that when the HCI in the solvent reaches 0.12 mol / L. Simple extraction and purification technology is difficult to reach the standard of content ≥ 24 %, while European countries can make the anthocyanin content of the extract ≥ 36 % by using their own extraction and purification technology.
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