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What is the principle of weight loss for you to uncover

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Update time : 2018-08-15 02:52:50
It is a drug that can solve the problems of obesity caused by eating too much, sitting too long, dieting, slimming, constipation, edema obesity, fatty obesity, etc. The main functions of weight-reducing drugs are to speed up metabolism, increase fat burning rate, inhibit body fat, prevent the body from absorbing oil from food, expel toxin and clean intestines to remove stools, etc.However, weight-reducing drugs are not health products. as drugs, they have certain side effects and adverse reactions. long-term consumption of weight-reducing drugs will cause gastrointestinal disorders in the human body. the light ones will suffer from indigestion and the heavy ones may cause a series of gastrointestinal diseases.

There are many ways to lose weight: slimming medicine, slimming tea, slimming food. These all have the effect of losing weight. their principle is to stimulate the central nervous system, reduce food intake, and inhibit diet to lose weight. if improper medication is used, it will cause liver damage, endocrine disorders and other consequences. Let's take a look at the following details in detail.Hormone drugs promote metabolism and protein decomposition in the human body and increase consumption so as to achieve the goal of weight loss. laxatives and diuretics, by increasing excretion, forcibly expel normal body fluids instead of excess fat, often cause dehydration. Food weight loss is mostly made up of plant fibers that are not suitable for digestion and feel full after being taken.

After taking weight-reducing drugs, people often think that what is lost is fat. in fact, the components that are lost also include water and protein, etc. and some side effects are obviously ineffective, accompanied by flabby skin, rough skin, and increased wrinkles. the body that is lost will be replenished soon.Subtracting protein reduces muscle function. When you stop taking these weight-loss drugs, the fat will accumulate ( rebound ) quickly, but the lost muscles will not recover. Experts warn us that taking weight-reducing drugs must be combined with dieting so that exercise can achieve the best weight-reducing effect.

According to the mechanism of action of weight-reducing drugs, they can often be divided into three types:

1. appetite suppressants: mainly amphetamine-type drugs. Medical research shows that people's appetite is regulated by the satiety center in the ventromedial hypothalamus and the feeding center in the ventromedial hypothalamus. The role of amphetamine-type drugs is to excite satiety centers and produce anorexia reactions. after taking the drugs, the appetite is reduced and it is easy to accept diet control. At the same time, due to its excitement, sleep is reduced and consumption is increased, resulting in weight loss. There are many kinds of such drugs, but they are rarely used because of the side effects of central excitement, such as insomnia, uneasiness, palpitation, elevated blood pressure and addiction. Only amphetamines are often used for weight loss treatment due to their small side effects and reliable effects.

2. gastrointestinal lipase inhibitor: represented by orlistat, orlistat is currently the only drug approved by the country to lose weight. The enzyme is inactivated by forming covalent bonds with the active serine sites of gastric lipase and pancreatic lipase in the stomach and small intestine cavities, and the inactivated enzyme cannot hydrolyze fat ( mainly triglycerides ) in food into absorbable free fatty acids and monoacylglycerol. Undigested triglycerides cannot be absorbed by the body, thus reducing calorie intake and controlling weight.

3. hormone drugs ( also called metabolic stimulant ): mainly represented by thyroxine, it can improve the body's metabolism, increase the decomposition and consumption of fat, thus losing weight. However, if these drugs exceed the normal physiological dose, they will often have adverse effects on the cardiovascular system. It needs to be used carefully under the guidance of doctors.

4. biguanide hypoglycemic agents: the pharmacological effect is to increase anaerobic glycolysis of muscle tissue, increase glucose utilization and reduce its absorption in intestinal tract, thus lowering blood sugar. When treating diabetes, this kind of medicine often causes patients to lose weight due to anorexia. This side effect can be used for weight loss treatment. Biguanide hypoglycemic agents have no effect on blood glucose in normal people. Therefore, obese patients without diabetes can also take it.
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