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Please pay attention to the eight misconceptions about diet pills

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Update time : 2018-08-15 12:25:25
Misconception 1: not all weight loss is " fat reduction."
To lose weight, as the name implies, is to lose excess fat in the body, thus reducing weight. At present, many products in society are under the banner of " losing weight". in fact, these products only expel water from the body through diarrhea and other methods, thus achieving the goal of losing weight. this is not to lose weight, but to reduce water. At the same time, diarrhea and weight loss can easily lead to imbalance in human nutrition, resulting in side effects such as fatigue and anorexia, which are not worth promoting. Orlistat has achieved the goal of losing weight by draining fat from food, which is really to reduce " fat".

Myth 2: not all weight-loss drugs are " drugs" for weight loss.
Many people in life confuse diet pills with diet products. For example, diet tea and diet food on the market are all health products for weight loss. they can be listed only through animal experiments. However, diet pills need to pass human body tests to prove that they are safe and effective, and can only be listed with the approval number of the state food and drug administration. their strictness is unusual. At present, only orlistat is the only slimming drug in the world that has been approved by the us FDA and China's food and drug administration.

Myth 3: diet pills are all effective
Speaking, I really have to admire the human imagination: diet pills actually contain live tapeworm eggs! After taking this medicine, eggs enter the digestive tract, hatch tapeworms, continuously absorb nutrients from food, inhibit or even destroy appetite - losing weight, which is very effective. Only, how much courage does it take to coexist with worms day and night? Then there is the slimming drug that tells the story of " metabolism". In fact, there is only one safest and most effective way to improve metabolism: physical exercise. However, we are always looking forward to more magical and effective methods. The United States has produced this kind of weight-reducing drug, which " improves metabolism and burns more fat" - contains thyroxine or similar substances extracted from the body of animals. Its characteristic is to accelerate the metabolism of human body until disorder occurs. After taking the medicine, you will lose weight rapidly in a very short period of time. at the same time, you will have symptoms similar to hyperthyroidism: tremor of your hands, diarrhea, night sweat, fear of heat, faster heartbeat, and prominent eyes.

Myth 4: losing weight is success
Whether weight loss is successful or not is the standard for most dieters to measure whether weight loss is successful, but in fact, fat accumulation is the real reason. The weight meter conceals the fact that everything is happening in stealing beams and changing columns. Diet pills containing " diuretics" remove 70 % of the body's weight of water from the body and quickly reduce the weight. diet pills containing rhubarb, senna leaves and other diarrheal effects are also this principle. However, these two types of drugs can only be used for a short time. Once you stop using the product, drink water and eat food, your weight will rebound like a log.

Myth 5: natural is safe
Medicines and health care products are all right. once you play the trump card of " pure nature", you will always be able to go against it. Natural = safe? Actually not. No matter what raw materials are used and no matter how the processing technology is, once the drug has the function of disturbing metabolism and affecting absorption and digestion, the effect is the same as that of chemical drugs. Chinese herbal medicine ephedra is " natural". many weight-reducing health foods were used as additives before. What really works is ephedrine and pseudoephedrine contained in ephedra, which can stimulate the nervous system and thyroid hormone to achieve the purpose of suppressing appetite. at the same time, there will also be quite serious side effects: limb paralysis, elevated blood pressure, mental stress, palpitation, etc.

Myth # 6: changing products frequently for losing weight
According to a survey, more than 50 % of people who lose weight frequently change their weight drugs in order to lose weight quickly. some people use one product for less than two months when they find it ineffective. Experts point out that some obese people often meet with clinical demands to lose more than 10 kilograms of weight quickly within one month. In fact, generally speaking, it is ideal to lose about 5 % of weight after 3 months of treatment. Because weight loss is the result of a comprehensive effect and a long-term process, weight loss products should be carried out at the same time as reasonable diet and increased exercise, and cannot be fast. In addition, medical research shows that it is unhealthy to lose weight quickly in a short period of time.

Myth # 7: choosing products to watch advertisements
Many obese patients are used to buying products through advertisements. whether it is medicine or health food, they choose which product to advertise and do not see whether it is suitable for them. Of the 5 obese patients randomly surveyed in the weight loss clinic, 4 said they had used more than 3 kinds of weight loss products, and one of them could not even remember which brands they had used. Few people can tell whether they are taking medicine or health care products, let alone the slimming effect of the product. There are some slimming products on the market, including medicines, food, and some health products that " feed". It is very dangerous to blindly use slimming products if you do not understand them. For example, if a patient suffers from heart disease and high blood pressure, it is easy to have an accident after eating the central nervous weight-reducing drug.

Myth # 8: blind weight loss without consulting doctors
It is understood that more than 90 % of people do not consult a doctor when they lose weight for the first time, but rather buy diet food or medicine to use on their own initiative. Obesity is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a chronic disease. Those who really need to lose weight should go to the slimming clinic of the big hospital for medical treatment. At present, some people who should lose weight do not lose weight. on the contrary, some people who should not lose weight blindly use slimming products, which is very dangerous and sometimes brings unexpected side effects. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, you'd better consult a doctor first to see if there is a need to lose weight and how to lose weight.

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