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The best way to lose weight - essential oil to lose weight

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Update time : 2018-08-15 12:15:45
The desire of modern people to be slim and fit may be as urgent as that of ancient emperors seeking immortality elixir, except that there is no real panacea in the world that can miraculously make them as light as Yan. The essential oil [ 1 ] itself cannot cause people to lose weight automatically, because some essential oils can help to expel excess water, grease and metabolic substances that remain in the body. in particular, some essential oils have diuretic and anti-cellulite effects. In addition, some essential oils can suppress appetite or prevent constipation, thus achieving the goal of controlling weight. Of course, all kinds of methods must be effectively used to use this kind of essential oil in order to achieve the best results. For example, essential oils that are good for reducing appetite are suitable for inhalation.

The essential oil used to combat cellulitis, commonly known as cellulitis, or to promote diuresis and detoxification, as well as the essential oil that can prevent constipation, should be massaged and bathed. Sometimes, it is necessary to use different essential oils in turn and to use different aromatherapy methods in order to achieve the most perfect effect.

With the prevalence of aromatherapy, more and more consumers prefer to use essential oil for weight loss and essential oil massage. because essential oil is a pure natural extract, it is healthier than medicine, safer than common weight loss products, and there is basically no allergy phenomenon, so more and more people are using it. 100 % pure one-way essential oil cannot be directly used. a variety of one-way essential oil must be blended with base oil before it can be directly applied to the skin.

For example, the weight-reducing essential oil of me BOC ( mabeuki ) is a compound essential oil blended with 3 - 5 kinds of one-way essential oil and base oil, which can be directly applied to the abdomen, legs and buttocks for massage, so as to achieve the goal of losing weight and slimming. The quality of essential oil formula is fundamental to the effect of essential oil. it is like going to a Chinese pharmacy to prescribe medicine. if the formula is wrong, no matter how good the medicine is, the quality of the formula is directly related to the curative effect of compound essential oil.

Bath essential oil:
( 1 ) inject seven to eight minutes of hot water into the bath, and the water temperature will probably be maintained between 37 c and 42 C. the water temperature can be slightly higher than our body temperature. Drinking a glass of water before bathing can help increase the amount of perspiration.
⑵ first enter the bath with your feet, then slowly immerse yourself in the water. the bath time is about 20 minutes. Move slowly when getting up to prevent dizziness caused by the acceleration of blood circulation in the whole body after soaking. drinking another glass of water will help replenish the water lost from the body.

Slimming essential oil emulsion:
Choosing body lotion with fat-reducing and body-shaping essential oil formula has the effect of strengthening slimming, especially during the period of losing weight, it can prevent the skin from flabby and weak. The slimming lotion can be used as daily skin care and can also massage the body.
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